Per Stirpes: Understanding its Implications for Estate Planning

Per stirpes ensures that the legacy of a family is passed down through generations, honoring the importance of family ties and tradition.

Per Stirpes: Understanding its Implications for Estate Planning

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In South African law, per stirpes is a term that refers to the distribution of an estate among the descendants of a deceased person. It is a Latin term that means “by roots” or “by stocks” and is commonly used in wills and inheritance laws. In this article, we will explore the concept of per stirpes in South African law, its significance, and how it affects estate planning.

What is Per Stirpes?

Per stirpes is a method of dividing an estate among the descendants of a deceased person. It involves dividing the estate equally among the branches of the family, rather than among the individuals themselves. In other words, it ensures that the estate is distributed to the descendants of a deceased person in a way that reflects the family’s lineage.

For example, if a person dies and leaves behind three children, each of whom has two children of their own, the estate would be divided equally among the three branches of the family (i.e., the three children). Each child would receive a one-third share of the estate, and their children would receive an equal share of their parent’s share. This ensures that the estate is distributed in a way that reflects the family’s lineage.

Why is Per Stirpes Significant?

Per stirpes is significant because it ensures that the estate is distributed in a fair and equitable manner. Without per stirpes, the estate could be divided among the individuals themselves, regardless of their relationship to the deceased. This could result in some family members receiving a larger share of the estate than others, even if they are not direct descendants of the deceased.

Per stirpes also ensures that the estate is distributed in a way that reflects the family’s lineage. This is important because it recognizes the importance of family ties and ensures that the estate is distributed in a way that is consistent with the family’s values and traditions.

How Does Per Stirpes Affect Estate Planning?

Per stirpes affects estate planning in several ways. First, it is important to consider whether to include per stirpes provisions in your will. If you have a large family with many descendants, per stirpes may be the best way to ensure that your estate is distributed fairly and equitably.

Second, it is important to consider the implications of per stirpes on your estate plan. For example, if you have children and grandchildren, you may want to consider leaving a larger share of your estate to your children than your grandchildren. This can be done by specifying different percentages for each branch of the family in your will.

Third, it is important to consider the tax implications of per stirpes on your estate plan. In South Africa, estate duty is levied at a rate of 20% on the value of an estate above R3.5 million. By using per stirpes, you can minimize the tax implications of your estate plan by ensuring that the estate is distributed in a way that maximizes the use of each family member’s estate duty exemption.


In conclusion, per stirpes is a significant concept in South African law that ensures that the estate is distributed in a fair and equitable manner among the descendants of a deceased person. It recognizes the importance of family ties and ensures that the estate is distributed in a way that reflects the family’s lineage. When it comes to estate planning, it is important to consider the implications of per stirpes on your estate plan and to ensure that your will reflects your wishes and values. By doing so, you can ensure that your estate is distributed in a way that reflects your legacy and your family’s traditions.

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