Simplifying the property registration process

Simplifying the property registration process

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Navigating property transactions can be complex, but understanding the registration process is key to a smoother experience.

The following steps should be taken into consideration when registering property:

  • Offer to Purchase signed by both parties
  • Notice to cancel existing bond by Seller (if there is an existing Bond)
  • Bond application and approval by Purchaser (if Purchaser buys through finance)
  • Sign Bond Grant and send it to the Estate Agent and Transfer Conveyancers (if Purchaser buys through finance)
  • Financial Institution provides Bond cancellation figures to Bond Cancellation Attorneys who then contact Seller.
  • Bond Attorneys are appointed by the Banks and they contact the Purchaser.
  • All Attorneys (Transfer, Bond and Bond Cancellation Attorneys contact clients and request for fica documents)
  • Signing of documents by clients (Transfer documents and Bond registration documents)
  • Application for Transfer duty receipt from SARS
  • Application for Rates Clearance figures with the Municipality
  • If the property sold is in a Sectional Title Scheme, application for Levies clearance figures
  • If there is a Homeowners Association, application for the consent Certificate
  • Transfer Attorneys will contact Parties to sign the Transfer documents and then the Bond Attorneys will contact the Purchasers to sign the Bond documents.
  • Payment of clearance figures and application for Certificates (Rates Clearance Certificate, Levies Clearance Certificate, Homeowners Consent Certificate).
  • Payment of costs to Bond Attorneys, Transfer Attorneys by Purchaser
  • Payment of Bond Cancellation costs by Seller
  • All Attorneys arrange for Lodgement
  • Lodgement and Linking at the Deeds office (once lodged, documents take between 7 to 10 days to register).
  • Property registers and ownership is passed to Purchaser.
  • Deeds are usually delivered a month after registration.

On registration day, ownership officially transfers from seller to purchaser.

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